Here I am on my last day of work at 37 weeks, and this morning (fully immersed in a life of leisure) at 38 weeks:
Yep! Maternity leave started this week and so far I have been trying to stay busy with house projects, lots of sleep, swims at the beach, and getting in QT with the dogs. Hopefully Lance isn't more than a week late because I think I will go crazy by that point. But, for now, I'm enjoying the time to myself and getting used to hanging around the house- something I know I will be doing A LOT of once he comes.
No hints as to when he'll show up, but according to most of you faithful readers, it will be a week late (thanks, guys). Whenever it is, it will be the right time, I'm sure!
Speaking of the big day, Stef and I are spending lots of time thinking about what it will be like, what we hope for, etc. Of course all we really care about is a healthy, happy Lance at the end- but, since we'll have to get him out somehow it's nice to have an idea of how we'd like that to happen. From what I hear, the best plan is to stay flexible and go with the flow, so that's what we're shooting for. If there are any over-achieving readers out there who would like to watch an amazing short video on childbirth, click here. Don't worry, there aren't any gory crowning scenes or anything like that. Enjoy! It's pretty awesome.