Phew! One small transition down, one major transition to go...
Lance moved into his new big boy room this weekend, in preparation for his little brother to take over the "baby" room. I have to admit, I've been pretty anxious about the move- worried that he was going to feel displaced, confused, demoted, etc. And, of course the big question- will he sleep okay in there?!?! Stef's positivity and optimism made things much easier! Not to mention, his amazing skills, which transformed the old guest room into a magical place full of all of Lance's favorite things! It took a near all-nighter for Stef on Saturday and most of the day Sunday to finish, but we did it! and Lance LOVES it! He slept like a rock last night and followed that up with a three hour nap today in there! All of that, and he hasn't even turned his head to look back at his old spot.
Here's a video of the "unveiling" of the mural daddy painted for his big boy:
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Gomez Fam Preps for their Move to the Big Island!
Some of our closest friends are moving to the Big Island from Oahu this summer and we couldn't be more excited! They spent last week with us while they toured schools, interviewed for jobs, and worked on their land which is right outside of Hilo. In between all that, Lance got to try his best to keep up with the big boys (aka attempting to copy their every move) and got even MORE excited about babies by spending time with their little girl, Nais. Not too many photos of the busy week, but here are a couple of "the boys."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Another Week with Papa and Grandma Kathie
Needless to say, Lance LOVED the week we spent with his grandparents. He was immediately comfortable with them and would regularly bring several books into their room and crawl right up on the bed so that Grandma Kathie could read to him. We enjoyed time in Hilo, at the beach, at the park, and around the house.

I realized the other day that Lance is lucky enough to have SIX grandparents who love him to death... and that despite the long distance they all make the effort to come out to see us. Come back soon!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Year and a Half OLD!
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