Lance seems to finally understand the importance and joy in waiting until the fruits in our yard are ripe before we pick them. Today we were lucky enough to score two treats!
One tomato and one starfruit- two hands and one very happy boy.
After a series of buying/shipping/selection dilemmas that reminded me that we do, in fact, live on an island, we finally got our hands on a crib for Kiran. Lance and Stef worked together to assemble it and Lance officially has skills with the power drill. I know- not the safest seeming kid tool, but he can really operate it!
Other than watching my not yet two year old son screw in the screws with the drill by himself, the highlight of the morning was when we got the mattress in and Lance charged out of the room on a mission of some sort. He came back a minute later with all of the blankets, etc. that he could find and carry from the drawer under his own crib to share with his little brother, saying "KK, pillow TOO!!" Oh man, these little moments of seeing sibling love in it's simplest form make me want to melt inside. Here are the boys in the new crib with Lance's bundle of love behind them.
Lance has a recent love for Elmo. I scored him an Elmo shirt at Target and naturally had to get something for Kiran to so they could be "same," "maTCHing!" "KK, TOO!!" At this point, Lance loves to be dressed the same as his little bro. Here's a pic of the two boys in their Sesame Street get ups.
P.S. Check out those thighs!!!!!!!!!
Another whole week in Tahoe with the McLaughlin gals kicked off with tequila shots in wine glasses is a sure bet for happiness.
Lance got to play, be read to, take baths with, and play more with his cousins...
Kiran got to be oogled over and held/bjorned/attempted to be fed by bottle by his cousins, aunties, and Nini...
Stef got to enjoy time with his boys (sons and brothers in law)
and I got to share a whole week with the four most important ladies in my life and their amazing husbands, and enjoy vacation time with no menial responsibilities with my boys...
The flights both way went better than we could have hoped, which means that mommy might actually brave more trips like this solo in the upcoming months! Sad not to be able to share our time in California with our other much loved family and friends, but the week in Tahoe was a perfect intro to mainland travel with the two boys. We'll be BACK!