Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 Busy Days in California

After surviving our roughest flight across the Pacific (Lance declared an hour in that... "mommy! Lance wants to be a RASCAL!!"), we enjoyed 10 wonderful and extremely action packed days in the Bay Area. As always, there wasn't nearly enough time to spend with everyone we wanted to see and those who we were lucky enough to get time with only left me wanting, more, more more!!!
Kate greeted us on our first morning and was coincidentally coordinated with little KK! That and many minutes on the trampoline with Lance were about all I needed in a visit from my dear friend!
We started the trip out strong with a trip to Snip'Its for Lance's first haircut!! I kept my chin up and didn't shed a tear as the hair that our little man was born with fell to the floor!! My heart was beating like crazy, though! I was so nervous!! Lance's favorite part was being able to watch Thomas on TV, his dragon prizey and the lollypop that took him all week to finish.
One of the highlights of the trip was being able to go to amazing parks and playgrounds that are nothing like the offerings in ol' Hilo town. Lance and Henry bonded at this fabulous park and Katy and Kiran got pretty lovey too...

We also spent a morning at the Discovery Museum with Millie and Tera and Pops and Elisi. Woah. I would like to take my kids here every week of the year please. Lance had the time of his life!!!!! and I loved it too. Even Kiran found a spot just for guys his size!!

Stef joined us half way through and we spent two exciting nights on the 26th floor of a hotel downtown. While trying to sleep and nap two kids in the same room was pretty much a nightmare, the views and the excitement of being in the city were totally worth it. We were able to take in all of the Christmas sights, go down some CRAZY slides at the nearby park, ride the carrousel, and eat out at restaurants (something we actually never do at home!)

Of course the grand finale was a birthday party for Les (30!) at Nini's house where all of the cousins were able to get together and have a blast. Trampoline, fake snow, grandparents, lots of aunties and uncles, and balloons made the party a total hit.

We even stayed out past curfew for one last hurrah- a trainride through a Los Gatos park to enjoy the Christmas lights with Katy, Danny, and the boys. Wooo!!
It was a whirlwind and we all came home a little worse for wear (I think I've finally recovered two weeks later) but, of course, it was worth it. Next time, I think I'll hire a personal assistant to work out all of the logistics for me so that I can ensure that we can fit in seeing each and every one of you who live there, naps, meals, and maybe even some shopping time for moi. Sadly, this trip it didn't all happen but hopefully next trip it will!!

Thanksgiving With Nini and Great Friends

So much good food. So many good friends. Lots of cooking. Lots of cuties, and an all around excellent holiday.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Six Months Old!

Kiran celebrated his half birthday on November 25 and was lucky enough to share it with Nini and a few bites of solid foods. At six months old, Kiran is: sitting up, rolling back to front (but still not front to back!), transitioning to two solid naps a day, becoming closer with Moses and Koko, giggling and finding things funny, smiling at anyone lucky enough to meet his eye, loving his big brother, falling asleep well but still waking twice at night for unnecessary feedings, babbling, traveling like a champ, still loving bath time, grabbing at whatever he can get his hands on, soaking through shirt after shirt with drool but not popping out any teeth yet, putting anything and everything in his mouth, making adorable and hilarious tongue sounds, sitting up all by himself, and melting the hearts of everyone who gets to cuddle with him.
Happy Half Birthday, Sweet Boy!!! We LOVE you!

Two of our Favorite Things

Good friends and our favorite beach made for a good escape from the Hilo rain.

Brothers and Brothers

The fact that Christmas music is playing while I write this post about Danny's visit back in October means absolutely nothing about how special it was having him here. Seeing Stef and Danny together has always made me feel a certain type of happy and full of love that is very hard to describe. Seeing Stef and Danny together now that I have two boys (brothers) of my own has taken this feeling to a whole new level. Add that to getting to see Danny and the boys bond made for one of the best long weekends in quite some time. We love you, Uncle Danny. Please, please, please come back soon. And I mean soon. Please?