Another masterpiece by the woodworker/artist himself... Lucky little Lance had this amazing loft bed complete with climbing wall and his chosen favorite colors (red and lime green) crafted for him with love by Daddy. He's been sleeping in it for a few months now and when it's not nap or bedtime, Lance and Kiran can often be found playing in their new lair.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Haircuts (long overdue)
First Cut for Kiran (bang trim FINALLY) and the shortest yet for little Lance.

After... much improved!
Lance had a moment after he saw himself in the mirror a few hours after the cut and was worried that he had lost all of his curls. I guess he was as attached as we were. Anyway, he looks adorable and like I told him- he can grow it long again if he wants to! Thanks to Mandy for once again being such a loving, patient hairdresser. The boys look great.
One and a Half!
We celebrated Kiran's one and a half year birthday on Sunday with some cupcakes and birthday hats. As per McLaughlin tradition we all got to tell KK what we love about him.
Lance: "I love that KK plays reeeeeaaallly nicely."
For me, I love Kiran's hilarious and incredibly expressive facial expressions and the fact that he is always up for any activity, as long as the rest of us are doing it.
And from Daddy, he loves that Kiran is always smiling and always happy.
At 18 months old, Kiran is running, climbing, coloring, painting, dancing, and trying his best to keep up with his big brother. He's chatting up a storm- his favorite phrase is probably "Hiiiiiiiii, Mommy!" "Hiiiiiiiiii Bubba!" "Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Daddy!" He wakes up every morning and immediately asks where Bubba is. He truly loves Lance. He loves to eat and especially loves to help himself to snacks in the kitchen. Kiran loves trains and cars and most of all animals. He plays happily by himself with the little barn and animal figures talking to himself as he goes.
Little KK is so fun loving and sweet and is learning how to hold his own as the little brother.
We love you Kiran Whitney James!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Beach Days
The weather these past months has been amazing. Lots of clear, hot days that call for a trip to the beach. It took about a year after Kiran was born but I am finally comfortable taking the boys to the beach solo (although the schlepping of gear and kids is sometimes crazy). Days like these make me wonder how we could ever consider living anywhere else...
Meet the Cast of the Cat in the Hat... and friends!
Halloween at the Harmeling's! It was our third annual celebration and we dressed as the crew from the Cat in the Hat show because it's Lance's favorite show at the moment AND because the boys have the perfect hair for their costumes! We were joined by the Rubbles, the Blue's Clue's crew, Elmo, and his spooky mommy and daddy. It was a wonderful celebration with lots of treats, games, and fun.
It's been over a month now, but Lance started preschool at Malamalama Waldorf School back in October and he loves it. Lance was SO excited to start school and greets each school day with the same gusto he had on the first one. He's making buddies and has officially ditched his nap on school days. It's been a learning process for Stef and I as we adjust to letting go of some of our parental control and trust that yes, he is in good hands even if they aren't our hands, and giggle privately at some of the eccentricities that come along with a Waldorf school in the middle of Puna. All in all, Lance is in a beautiful setting where the kids sit around a big square table at mealtimes with real glasses, silverware, cloth napkins, and flowers on the table, play in an amazing play yard and classroom, create some seriously beautiful pieces of art, and get to be kids all day every day. More to come on the preschool experience, I'm sure!
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