Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Special Guests

There's nothing we love more than visitors and this time we were spoiled by three special guests. Papa, Grandma Kathy and Uncle Danny were all here to participate in the mayhem of birthday party prep, fevers and coughs, new pool set up, birthday party canceling, soccer games, and lots of Legos. They also each got several turns holding, bouncing and bjorning Via. 
Lucky kiddos, lucky us. 

He's FOUR!

A proud, proud little man to be four years old. Kiran requested that his special day be spent at Mauna Lani beach where we checked out turtles, played in the water,  snorkels, ate a decadent lunch, and enjoyed family time. 
Poor KK's birthday party had to be postponed until next weekend after he came down with a fever but by Monday, Kiran was ready to celebrate. Such a trooper!
Love this four year old!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Baby Faces and Big Girl Hoodie

Hip Hop Show and Lei Redemption

When you're on an island with no family around, there's no shame in getting your kid a handful of leis from those who love him (even if they aren't there to present them). There's also no shame in crying to friends who, in turn, send their mom to your son's hip hop show armed with handmade leis to present. 
Friday night's graduation was a tough one for this mama in the lei department. Now I know that one flower lei from our family just isn't gonna cut it. 
Saturday's hip hop show was an incredible performance by our little man and also an incredible performance by mommy and daddy who saw some redemption after Friday. 
In true five year old form, Lance had already moved on past his sadness from the night before and wore these leis just long enough for us to snap a pic. It was totally worth it. 

Preschool Graduate

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day!

Lucky mama. 
I got to spend the whole day doing just what I the beach with my boys and gal. Via earned her sticker for not crying in her car seat and we managed to get to kona and back with few tears!

Other highlights included my mini bottle of champagne on the beach, two awesome snorkel sessions with Lance, Via in her first swimwear, and Kiran on the rope swing. 

Really missed not being a part of the festivities at Nini's house but we did get in some good FaceTime and snapped this awesome screen shot of the boys and their two new cuzzies. 

Happy Mama's Day to all the hard working moms out there. It's wonderful to be in your company.