A meeting of the cousins! Lance got to meet his big cousins, Max and Millie this week! The Matthews fam came to the Big Island and we were lucky enough to spend some Q.T. with them this week. Max, the oldest of the cousins, could not believe how "tiny" Lance is and was so proud to get a chance to hold him.

Millie was totally thrilled about the "baby" and would exclaim "baby!" and then point and pet him gently. How sweet!!

It was a huge treat to have the time with Tera and Brian also. Stef and B hit up BJ Penn's gym and Bryan got to see the big star in his element! Here's a pic of Max modeling B's new shirt:

I got to ask my sis endless questions about sleep, nursing, carseat crying, and life after babies. Once again, we are so lucky!!!
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