On Friday we brought along Lance's inflatable pool and a bucket and filled it with ocean water for him. It was a huge hit!
Now, the whole fam gets to get wet! woohooo!
there we are, in the middle of the grass

Lance is almost ten months old. And on Saturday, I spent my first entire day away from him. Incredibly fortunate, or slightly pathetic, depending on how you look at it! Even though I'm back at work, I'm able to pop in and out during the day for lunch, etc. since I work so close to home. This weekend, however, I took my work kids to my agency's annual summer picnic at the waterpark on Oahu.
I was ready. My mommy anxiety has gotten much better over the past months and I was more concerned about how I was going to pump at the waterpark than how Lance would do without me all day... a good sign!
There were two highlights of my first day away:
1. Stef's big purchase- a brand new truck
2. Lance's reaction to seeing me when I snuck in just minutes before his bedtime.
I wish I had number two on video. That moment made my entire day away worthwhile and actually made me want to do it more often! Not a single photo to share, but it was kind of like this-
when he saw me, he started the arm leg jumps while his face lit up with his big huge smile. Then, he reached out for me and gave me a huge HUG! arms around my neck! then he pulled away to get a look at me and did it again! another hug. then another look (with the big grin) and then a huge, wet, kiss. all the while wiggling with pure joy.
For some reason, the whole scene made me realize what a little person he is becoming. He reacted with such human gestures- hugs and kisses??!! It was really one of the best feelings I've ever had. True love.
Who takes care of Lance when you and Stef are at work? Do you guys have a nanny? Do you like him or her?