Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Minus Stef, all of the Harmelings are growing at a rapid rate these days...
Lance's growth seems to be mostly in his development (while mine and #2's is a bit more physical) and it is hard to keep up. Stef and I both wish we could slow down time to soak it all up. His memory, comprehension, communication and motor skills are skyrocketing.
and he is talking... a LOT!!! He can sound out all of the animal sounds, name his body parts, answer yes and no questions, say please and sign thank you, exclaim "good!" and "wow!" when he sees or does something he likes, call Moses and Koko by name, name or repeat most one syllable objects names, and generally get his point across most of the time. Being able to communicate has taken the fun and enjoyment of being together to a whole new level. Here's a quick video of dinner time last week...

Little number two is busy kicking, punching, and doing yoga in my belly. We are over the half way marker at 22 weeks and the big question remains... "What will his hair look like?!"

Here are some shots of the growing Harmelings over the last couple of weeks.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Who's Lance's photographer? Dang!! Glamour shots! Hotties and cuties!


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