Aside from the craziness, life has been great. Lance LOVES his brother, and also loves to pretend that he is "baby Lance." These two things entail giving Kiran "smoochies" at every available opportunity, dressing in matching outfits when possible, and hopping into Kiran's carseat, mini crib, swing, bouncy chair, and playmat on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure he's not breaking any weight limits at the moment, so I let Lance do his thing and make sure to call him "Baby Lance" the entire time he's at it. All in all, I think he has adjusted remarkably. He's been a bit needier at sleep time but is still our happy, playful, loving little guy.
Guess what everyone?? He's a Biggie!!!!!!! After giving myself pep talks about accepting and not stressing about another slim baby on the bottom of the weight charts, my jaw dropped when I discovered that Kiran is on the top of the chart for height (97%) and up there for weight too!! I couldn't stop laughing about it for days! Anyway, he's healthy and growing and his hair is getting ready to start doing it's thing!
I cant believe Kiran is on the top of the weight charts! You are doing an amazing job and your boys are both sooo adorable. I cant wait to see more pics for Kirans hair to do his thing! xoxo