Kiran's favorite pastimes at five months old include: rolling from back to front and getting stuck there but happily keeping his head up to watch what everyone else is doing, sucking on anything and everything he can get his hands on (especially his left, big toe), becoming more aware of Moses and Koko, giggling and babbling, splashing like a complete maniac in the bathtub and getting water in his eyes, mouth and nose and not minding a bit, fielding comments about his rapidly growing "fro-hawk" and assuring people that it is all natural, waking up 30 minutes into his nap and spending at least ten minutes crying himself back to sleep, participating in infant massage class with a room full of babes his size, cuddling with his big brother and trying to grab that incredible mane of hair at every opportunity, riding in the ergo (still a favorite spot to steal some zzz's when I let him), and sitting on top of the table in the bumbo at meal time shouting out his disapproval about not yet being included in the joys of solid food.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Five Months Old!
Kiran's favorite pastimes at five months old include: rolling from back to front and getting stuck there but happily keeping his head up to watch what everyone else is doing, sucking on anything and everything he can get his hands on (especially his left, big toe), becoming more aware of Moses and Koko, giggling and babbling, splashing like a complete maniac in the bathtub and getting water in his eyes, mouth and nose and not minding a bit, fielding comments about his rapidly growing "fro-hawk" and assuring people that it is all natural, waking up 30 minutes into his nap and spending at least ten minutes crying himself back to sleep, participating in infant massage class with a room full of babes his size, cuddling with his big brother and trying to grab that incredible mane of hair at every opportunity, riding in the ergo (still a favorite spot to steal some zzz's when I let him), and sitting on top of the table in the bumbo at meal time shouting out his disapproval about not yet being included in the joys of solid food.
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So cute. Congrats Kiran!
ReplyDeleteMelis, this pictures make my heart melt. Your boys are so very sweet. Kiran's smile that you captured during his tummy time is the picture I have of him in my mind when I think of him. Such a happy, engaged boy!