We are almost a month in and I'm ready to share the good news...
our clothesline is significantly lighter these days- Lance has ditched the diapers and has moved gracefully into Big Boy Undies. Go Lance!
Lance has been practicing using the potty for several months now but I was so scared to take the next step that it wasn't until a few weeks ago that we decided to say "bye bye diapers" for good. Whew, it's been exhausting! Lance has been a quick learner and has been more than a little excited about all the rewards (bribes?) that he has earned. He's also had his fair share of accidents (especially in the beginning) and does not like to take pit stops when he is playing...
Over the past couple of months, Lance and I talked about what we would do with his diapers when he was ready to say goodbye to them and he decided that he should give them to Kiran. On his second full day in undies, I was congratulating him when he said that he was ready to say "bye, bye to diapers." The little guy went into his room and asked me to get his diaper basket down. He picked it up and carried it into Kiran's room so that he could "give them to KK." When I asked if he wanted to put them in Kiran's closet, Lance clearly said that he wanted to put his diapers into Kiran's basket. Then, (sniff, sniff) ceremoniously starting with his favorites (green) he put his diapers one by one into Kiran's basket. It was definitely one of those moments where I felt like he was aging right before my eyes!! He talked about each diaper and it's color and gave it to KK and I proudly watched and shed a few tears and felt so full of that mom feeling that I can't really describe...
anyway, short story LONG, Lance is rockin' some Thomas the Train briefs these days and his poofy diaper booty is a thing of the past.

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