Sunday, September 27, 2009

An Amazing Week with Nini!

Stefan, Lance and I were lucky enough to have mom (Nini) here for the last ten days while we adjust to new parenthood. It was SO wonderful to have her around- not just for the help, but mostly for the company. I guess there's not much that can compare with having your mom around while you are trying to figure out the whole mom thing yourself...

Nini cooked up a storm with several amazing meals, did a ridiculous amount of laundry, helped clean the house, and, most importantly, cheered Stef and I (okay, mostly me) on as we work on becoming parents.

Nini also got lots of good, quality time with Lance...
providing tons of love and affection as he wakes up to life in the overly stimulating world, being genuinely interested in the color of his poops, watching his looks change in just a week, and already pointing out how his developing personality matches his astrological chart PERFECTLY!!! :)

We miss her already. Being so far away from family is THE hardest part about living out here... but ten days of quality time makes it doable, and we are SO grateful! Love you Mom!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Other Babies

A popular question we got asked before Lance was born was "How do you think the dogs will do?" My answer: "We'll find out!" Stef's answer: "Great!"
Well, Stef was right. They have been amazing!

Here are a couple of shots of the initial meeting:
Moses was very excited at first, but listened well and contained his energy!

Kohala was curious and a little shy, but has warmed right up to Lance:

Moses has taken on the role of "Den Mother" and pretty much sits at the foot of wherever Lance is... his bed, the couch, the chair, his swing, and stands guard. Koko isn't nearly as protective, but she likes to hang out too...

Aside from the dogs, I'm sure you'd all like to see a pic of Lance's face and not just the back of his head up against the milk machine. So! Here he is:

We'll work on getting some more awake shots. They just aren't as easy to capture!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Introducing Lance Ebon Harmeling!

"Wazzzzzzz Up!"
He's here!!
and, of course, I am at a total loss of what to say. The obvious- we love him SO much already it is almost impossible to imagine life before him...

Lance was born on Thursday, September 10th at 11:52 am after an extremely long labor. He weighed in just one ounce short of seven pounds- 6 lbs, 15 oz. and 19.5 inches long. I told him that if he hadn't pooped all over me and him during our postpartum bonding session that he might have hit the big seven pound mark! oh well!

Here are some pics from his first three days-

MAJOR cone head and swollen face (and ear!) after trying to make his way through my pelvis and birth canal for three hours... poor guy! not his best look!

And looking more like himself the next day... great recovery, Lance!!

We are home safe and sound- so far he is a great sleeper, an awesome eater and is doing great!

He has been much more awake and alert for the past couple of days and we finally got some shots of him with his eyes open!

He's also been working on his hair styles...
The Wall Street?

The Comb Forward:

Or the Clark Kent?

Impossible not to love him, isn't it???

THANK YOU to everyone for your support and love over the past days and months..
and for old time's sake, here is the last shot of me and Lance on the day we went into labor-