Sunday, March 29, 2015


She's Here!!

Victoria Kate Harmeling was born bright and early on March 27. Weighing in at 7lbs6oz and 21inches long!  She's got crazy long fingers, long feet, and in true Harmeling style TONS of hair. Not curly yet but I'm sure the curls are coming! 

Little Via is a calm, sweet baby so far- going with the flow at the hospital and looking forward to the daily visits from her big brothers. 

It's amazing how fast we have all fallen in love with this little addition- I guess that's the way family works. The second someone joins, you can't imagine them never having been there. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Does this thing still work?  Do I still know how to create posts?
It's been over a year.
And so much has happened, there's no way to summarize.
We moved into a new home.  We said goodbye to Moses.  We took trips.  We had tons of fun with guests.  We survived our first tropical storm.  We got pregnant.  We found out that we are having a girl.  We watched the boys' grow into being best friends and playmates.  Kiran started pre-school.  And so much more.
But, since it's impossible to sum it all up, I'll have to restart this blog in the here and now.

39 weeks pregnant, and recovering from the stomach flu.

Getting ready to welcome our new bundle and I just didn't feel right not including her on the ol' blog.

Hopefully I'll have it in me to keep this thing posted!