Tuesday, December 21, 2010


We got a peek at number two today and, you guessed it, (or not based on the poll...) Lance is going to be lucky enough to have a little brother just 20 months younger than him. With me growing up with all sisters and Stef growing up with all brothers, both of us really know and understand the value of those same sex sibling relationships. Not that they're all perfect, and not that brothers and sisters don't also share an awesome bond, but there does seem to be something about two bros who love each other like best friends. This is what I'm envisioning (hoping for!)with Lance and our new addition.

Gender aside, the little guy looked great. His heart, head, spine, and limbs looked healthy and the ultrasound tech remarked a few times on how active he was. Looks like we're in for another energizer bunny! I can just picture the two of them tearing the house apart in another year or two...
Here's a quick video of the baby in action- you can see the heartbeat and spine if you look closely.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Christmas Spirit

Lance is really feeling the Christmas spirit this year. It's so fun to see him get excited about trees and lights, decorations and advent calendars. I think it will only keep getting better with each holiday season!
Here are a few videos from the start of the festivities...

This is at the annual Hilo Christmas Lights Parade. Lance was so into it!!! He loved all of the marching bands, floats and lights. If you look closely, Lance says "get out of my face, Mommy!" and then, at the end, "More, please."

Here's his first glimpse of an actual tree inside the house... a strange but much loved Christmas tradition!

and here he is testing each bulb for temperature control: