Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Vacation Part One

It's been a month long blog hiatus... for good reason!
Mid July, we packed it up and took Lance to California to spend some much needed time with the McLaughlin women, kids and hubbies. It was a perfect week in Tahoe with all of the families in a giant cabin with nothing to do but hang out with each other!
Lance woke up every morning with a huge smile on his face that grew bigger as we entered the living room and he joined his cousins for the day. It only got better from there with time together at the park, pool, and lake.He took his first bike ride (the helmet was NOT a big hit), played in the sand, climbed lounge chairs, and swam like a little fish in the pool.

Lance also discovered the true joy of the park- he is officially a slide junkie and scoffs at the baby swing these days.

Meanwhile, I got an entire week of uninterrupted time with my sisters and mom.
The final highlight was all of the time we got to soak up with Stef...
It couldn't have been a more perfect week!


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